More, Madonna
Mercedes Benz, Janis Joplin
Some Further Words, Wendell Berry
Justice, Langston Hughes
The Cure at Troy, Seamus Heaney
New Stanzas for Amazing Grace, Allen Ginsberg
1991-I, Wendell Berry
Bosnia Tune, Joseph Brodsky
Sound of Silence, Paul Simon
I am Waiting, Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Manifesto, Wendell Berry
Encyclical Letter Laudato Si, Pope Francis (excerpts)
by Madonna
You should get the text from another source.
Mercedes Benz
by Janis Joplin
You should get the text from another source.
Some Further Words
by Wendell Berry
You should get the text from another source.
by Langston Hughes
You should get the text from another source.
The Cure at Troy
by Seamus Heaney
You should get the text from another source.
New Stanzas for Amazing Grace
by Allen Ginsberg
You should get the text from another source.
by Wendell Berry
You should get the text from another source.
Bosnia Tune
By Joseph Brodsky
You should get the text from another source.
Sound of Silence
by Paul Simon, of Simon & Garfunkel
You should get the text from another source.
I am Waiting
By Lawrence Ferlinghetti
You should get the text from another source.
Manifesto: The Mad Farmer’s Liberation Front
by Wendell Berry
You should get the text from another source.
Encyclical Letter Laudato Si issued May 24, 2015 (excerpts)
by Pope Francis
You should get the text from another source.